Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing, Thetahealing

Forgiveness is a Choice

Forgiveness is an incredibly powerful emotion. It can completely change a person’s life, and it can also help heal a broken relationship. It can help us to move on from the hurt and pain that we have experienced, and it can help us to learn from our mistakes.

Forgiveness is a choice. It is something that we do consciously, and it can be very hard to do. But it is also something that can be immensely rewarding. By forgiving someone, we can free ourselves from the anger and resentment that we may feel, and it can help us to build stronger relationships. It can also help us to heal our own hearts, and to move on with our lives.

When we forgive someone, we are not excusing their behavior or condoning it. We are simply acknowledging that what they did was wrong, and choosing to let go of our anger and resentment. It is not easy, and it can take time, but it is an important part of healing and moving on.

Forgiveness can also help us to become better people. It can help us to develop empathy and compassion, which can make us better friends, family members, and partners. We can learn to be more understanding of others’ mistakes and to learn from them.

Ultimately, forgiveness is about healing. It can help us to move on from the pain and hurt that we have experienced, and it can also help us to become better people. We can learn from our mistakes, and we can also learn to forgive others. And in the process, we can help to create a more peaceful and understanding world.

Pam understands the value of forgiveness on our mind, body and spirit and offers support to her clients who are ready to take the healing journey of forgiveness.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Blog Articles, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Health, Wellnes and Nutrition, Law of Attraction, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing, Thetahealing

8 Steps to Self-Forgiveness

In our journey to inner peace and healing, both guilt and forgiveness of self and others have a profound effect on this process.

Guilt is defined as a feeling of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy; a self-reproach; and forgiveness as the act of forgiving or the ceasing of feeling resentment against an offender. 

Guilt and lack of forgiveness of self and others burdens many people with the heavy weight of inappropriate shame and the destruction of deep-seated resentments.  

In recent years, much has been written about the destructiveness of repressed emotions and particularly anger and resentment in contributing to life-threatening illnesses. 

The belief that feeling any emotions means we are weak is a dreadful legacy to burden people with.  Teaching people that strength means not feeling or denying our feelings is tantamount to creating illness.  Beliefs such as ‘big boys don’t cry’ and ‘good girls don’t get angry’ has resulted in men and women who are unable to get in touch with what they actually feel.  Depression is thought to be caused by anger turned inward and is only one of the symptoms of the need to protect ourselves from the scorn associated with expressing feelings.  Many other illnesses and particularly the addictions are theorized to be expressions of a deep level of emotional pain. 

Why won’t we forgive? 

I believe it starts from our unwillingness to forgive ourselves.  We believe that we are undeserving of love, respect, acceptance, appreciation, and the right to live a life where we walk in peace, joy, harmony, and abundance.  Somewhere along the line, we started to believe that all the rules and regulations of the society in which we live defined who we were supposed to be.  We stopped trusting and believing in our own inherent worth and came to believe that we were ‘not good enough.’  Messages such as ‘you failed,’ or ‘you should’ became a litany for us to abuse ourselves with guilt.  I call it abuse because it is just as painful when we do it to ourselves as when others do it to us.  We became judge and jury and found ourselves guilty of our perceived offences.  When the primary caregivers such as parents, teachers, and other societal influences are unable to love themselves unconditionally, this ‘learned attitude’ is passed on to the next generation as shame to control behavior.   

This sense of shame differs from guilt in that guilt is about behavior.  Shame is deeper and more pervasive.  It is about your being and feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, being bad and unlovable become the conviction underlying your life.  Children grow up believing they are ‘not good enough’ and become the caregivers for the next generation.  And so, it goes, on and on.  I am not blaming the parents and caregivers here as we parent the way we were parented.  My own definition of maturity is that maturity is achieved when we can forgive our parents and other significant adults for being human. 

What Is Self-forgiveness? 

Self-forgiveness is the willingness to believe that you are worthy, that there are no mistakes rather, you are on the planet, or in Earth School (as some people call it) to learn about being human.  The opportunities to learn are just that – not mistakes – just opportunities to learn. 

Practical Steps to Self-forgiveness

1.  Examine how you perceived a certain situation and how you can chose to change your perception. Remember that the thoughts we think create the feelings, and it is our perception that creates our interpretations of the situation. 

2.  Accept yourself and your humanness – you are not supposed to be perfect. 

3.  Admit when you make a mistake. 

4.  Remember that everybody is doing the best they can with what they know, and that includes you. 

5.  Let go of past-future thinking, stay in the ‘Now.’ 

6.  Confront your emotional pain – own your own ‘stuff.’ 

7.  Appreciate the lessons that have contributed to your growth and made you who you are now. 

8.  Say ‘I forgive myself for ____________ (whatever).

Self-forgiveness is a journey that requires patience, compassion, and a willingness to examine our thoughts and behaviors. It is a process of learning to accept our imperfections and mistakes and to move forward with a renewed sense of self-love and understanding. By taking practical steps to self-forgiveness, we can learn to accept and forgive ourselves, and to find peace and contentment in our lives.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2022, All Rights Reserved

Ascended Masters, Angels & Othe, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Empath, Indigo & Crystal Childr, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Meditation, Prayer & Ascension, Psychic, Shamanism & Energy Healers, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing

The Violet Flame of St Germain.

One of the most powerful spiritual tools we have right now is called The Violet Flame of St. Germain. When using the Violet Flame along with energy work is a very powerful combination. The Violet Flame has been around for many years, and we use it to change all areas of our lives including areas of the mind, body and spirit.

The knowledge of the Violet Flame was brought forth to us by Ascended Master St. Germain. For decades Lightworkers around the world have been invoking the Violet Flame for various causes. The Violet Flame can transform all fear-based thoughts and emotions into love-based thoughts and emotions. It can transform anxiety into peace, hatred into love and fear into courage. The Violet Flame is a tool that can help release karma, raise your vibration and consciousness, accelerate spiritual growth and activate your DNA. The Violet Flame can help you with all emotional and mental problems. It can help to relieve stress, anger, sadness, depression etc. It is a gift that transmutes human mis-creations of our own thoughts and feelings.

By using the Violet Flame as a tool can allow us to quickly transmute the negativity from our lives!

We are aware of our creating powers, and yes each and everyone one of us is a powerful creator! We must work at controlling our thoughts and emotions and focus our attention on what it is that we want to create or manifest in our lives. We are magnetic energetic beings and our vibrational frequency is what pulls or attracts to us the same or very similar vibrational frequency that we are putting out. Put out any feelings of negativity – and negativity will come right back to you. Put out any feelings of lack, lack comes right back to you and on the other side of the coin is to change the frequency to a higher vibrational thought or emotion. If you put out the feeling of love, love will come right back to you. If you put out the feeling of abundance, abundance comes right back to you. Do you see how powerful we really are? We can invoke the Violet Flame to transmute our negative thoughts and feelings from the past, and we can empower our efforts with using affirmations to succeed in the life we desire to create. You are the only one that has power over your life.

You are the creator!

You create your tomorrow by your daily thoughts and emotions that you express today. The Violet Flame has qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation. The Violet Flame has the power to erase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of our past mistakes! This IS an incredible tool!

Emotions are energy!

At any point in our life we always have an abundance of emotions flowing through us. We are magnetic beings! That means that whatever energy/emotion we flow out from our being, we attract back to ourselves. So, let’s say one day you are angry, and you project that anger at your husband, child, co-worker etc. This anger that you have now projected out WILL come back to you; remember “What goes around comes around!” In order to stop the anger boomerang effect, implement this tool. As soon as the feeling of anger starts, immediately stop, take a breath and say to yourself, in your mind is fine, “I call upon the Violet Flame to transmute the cause, core, effect, record and memory of these anger feelings Now!” Take another breath and within a matter of seconds these feelings of anger will have been transmuted and feel much less powerful than they did only seconds before. Therefore, the venom/karma that you could have potentially directed towards another individual has been stopped dead in its track! Now, you can redirect your thoughts to something that makes you feel joy! Something that makes you smile. You want to implement the higher vibrational emotion, you do not want to stay stuck in that lower, denser vibratory frequency. It is important to raise your frequency if you desire to create a positive, joyful existence.

Positive thoughts and emotions attract positive experiences!

You can use this technique for every negative emotion that comes into your life. If you are not expressing love, than you are expressing fear. Love based emotions are feelings of joy, happiness, bliss, peace, calm etc. Fear based emotions are the opposite of love which are hate, anger, sadness, confusion, depressed, etc. Whenever a fear-based emotion creeps up on you, immediately use the Violet Flame to transmute the energy. Eventually, with work these feelings of fear will come up less and less in your life because you have found a tool to release them positively instead of having to recycle them and learn again by the boomerang, karma! You will also notice after repeated use your life changing for the positive because you are raising your own vibrational energetic frequency! Always remember the law of attraction. What you put out you will attract back.

I invite you to start using The Violet Flame of St. Germain to start creating the life you desire today!