Empath, Indigo & Crystal Childr, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Coaching

Unplugging to Recharge: Leaving Social Media to Focus on My Spiritual Coaching Clients.

I’ve been exposed to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter frequently as a spiritual coach and as someone who has used social media sites since they first emerged. I was more mindful about how I presented myself online and constantly worried about what I ought to and ought not to post.

I have made the decision to put social media on hold in order to concentrate on my mental health and happiness. I will be able to think about my life and connect with others and myself when I’m not surrounded by the cacophony of the internet.

I’m taking a break from social media, but I’ll always be committed to giving my customers the finest service possible. I take pride in making sure that I take care of their needs and that the work is done professionally. I firmly believe in going above and beyond to ensure that my clients are happy with the work I deliver. In order to ensure that I can offer the finest service possible, I am still committed to staying current with industry trends. I am passionate about exceeding clients’ expectations by providing the best possible service in a timely manner.

I will continue to offer classes, healing sessions, and readings, I will be available to work with you online, via Zoom, phone, or text. I’ll also keep blogging on spiritual content for other healers that may find it helpful and inspiring. My Youtube channel is the only social platform that will stay active with Divine Downloads for healing and clearing work.

Pam Jackson

Blog Articles, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, DNA & DNA Activations, Empath, Indigo & Crystal Childr, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Health, Wellnes and Nutrition

What is a Healing Crisis?

What is a Healing Crisis? It’s natural for the body to react on many levels as it releases and removes waste and toxins that have accumulated for a long time. A healing crisis is the term for this period of temporary discomfort. 

The detoxification symptoms that occur as part of a cleansing regimen are a challenging notion to grasp. These unpleasant side effects are simply a part of the healing process that must be endured in order to reap the full advantages of a clean, healthy body.

Our bodies’ turbulence during detoxification can be frightening—even terrifying at times. Symptoms can be moderate or severe if the detox is done too quickly. Sometimes things are so bad that death would be a welcome relief. This is referred to as the “healing crisis.” It is natural for the body to react as it cleanses the accumulated poisons and waste products that have been retained for so long. We essentially relive past ailments and illnesses as they are made public. The good news is that once toxins are eliminated and discharged, we are free of future difficulties and diseases caused by them. 

Detoxification can be induced through dietary changes such as going vegan or raw; water or juice fasting; and herbal cleanses. The more toxins that have been accumulated, the sicker and more miserable you will be during a detox cleanse.

A healing crisis is usually identified by:

  • intense joint or muscle pain 
  • severe headaches 
  • fevers and chills 
  • skin eruptions (acne, pimples, rashes) 
  • insomnia
  • cramps
  • fatigue
  • mood swings 
  • emotional-rollercoaster-type behavior 

The reality is that while the body rids itself of the poisons and toxins that it has been burdened with for so long, there will be some discomfort. 

The discomfort is merely a sign that everything is working well, and the symptoms are only transitory. If you have severe symptoms that last longer than 3 days, you can find some relief by slowing down the detox:

  • Drink lots of clean, pure water 
  • Get some sunshine and fresh air 
  • Slow down and get plenty of rest 

So, if you can persevere through the ups and downs, you’ll soon be rewarded with radiant health and new opportunities.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2022, All Rights Reserved.

Akashic Soul Records, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, DNA & DNA Activations, Empath, Indigo & Crystal Childr, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Meditation, Prayer & Ascension, Shamanism & Energy Healers, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing

Energy Bubbles

Energy Bubbles – Good or Bad?

As we began our spiritual journey and we’re feeling all those feelings and all those emotions; we ask our teachers what do we do with this because it’s so overwhelming. My teacher, and probably yours told you to put a bubble around you. By putting a bubble around you you’re creating a barrier and a protection, is what I was told. I trusted my teacher, she had wisdom and knowledge in the spiritual world and healing world. I was new to all of this and I needed guidance and I needed someone with integrity and someone that I could trust. That was not always the case. I agreed and even paid others

What I have discovered is that we’re all on the spiritual  journey together and we’re all learning together and at the same time. Also, what it may have been true then may not be true today. 

Yes, I too put energy bubbles around me, but I’ve noticed several things in my journey. I noticed when I put a white bubble around me that people would tell me that I’m standoffish and I’m not as approachable. Is that because the white light is too bright? I have often wondered, and I continued researching colors and the vibrations and then I was told to use a pink light. The pink light is the vibration of compassion, and it would be softer. I know that when I did put this pink light around me, I was more approachable, and people felt I was more friendly. So, I began to use only the pink light and I would teach my clients and students the difference between the white light and a pink light and suggest using the pink light if they wanted to be more approachable in their relationships. 

I’ve been doing this for many years. 

My journey has led me to forgiveness and understanding forgiveness. It has been a long journey and mostly hard but now I’m at a place of peace and acceptance of those lessons and hardships that I have gained in this lifetime. I have discovered the more you step into forgiveness the less you need protection from the people around you. The more you understand and except forgiveness the less likely you will take on other people’s pains and emotions. 

I have also discovered some new information around bubbles weather it is the wisdom of forgiveness or downloads from the creator I have a new and different perspective.

My new and different perspective is are our bubbles good for us? I was given a download, an image that was shown to me that when we create these bubbles, we’re holding our emotions, and our trauma within our bubble. What I witnessed in this image was as we do healing work on our self it kind of bounces around inside this energy bubble that we have created. This is a new and interesting perspective for me and maybe even for you but allow it to soak in for a moment before you dismiss it.

Now why don’t you try to imagine you’re inside this bubble that you created and you’re doing healing work and it has nowhere to go. It may get further away from you so it’s not as intense but there is still an emotional tug to it. Is this because it is still in our energy bubble? 

Since I’ve been at a place of forgiveness, I received this download, this awareness that I can put down my bubble. I no longer feel like I need to be protected from the world. I now have the courage and the wisdom to be around people who love me, support me and even believe in me.  I am now selective, and I have discernment of who and what I want to be around and who brings me peace and who does not. I have learned to let go of people and outcomes. 

I can see how forgiveness has changed a lot of things in my life and the way I look at life. It has even changed the way I eat and nourish myself. As I heal my emotional trauma, I find that I have freed myself from taking on other people’s burdens whether they are emotional or physical.  I’m learning that forgiveness is loving myself and that I no longer need a protective barrier around me.

So my question is are bubbles really good for us or do they keep all our trauma in our own energy with nowhere to go?

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2021, All Rights Reserved.