about Pamela Jackson

Pamela Jackson

Spiritual Coach, Master Energy Healer and Thetahealing Instructor

Throughout my diverse and enriching journey, I have acquired a wide range of skills and certifications that reflect my dedication to guiding and supporting individuals on their paths to personal growth and transformation.

At the core of my expertise lies Professional Hypnosis, where I have mastered the art of inducing altered states of consciousness to help clients address and overcome various challenges and issues.

In addition to being a Certified Life Coach, I have specialized further as an LOA (Law of Attraction) Coach, Spirit Guide Coach, and Delegate of the Light. These roles have allowed me to empower individuals to harness the power of their thoughts, beliefs, and spiritual connections to manifest their desired outcomes and live authentically.

As a Master Energy Healer, I have extensively trained in a variety of powerful modalities. As a Reiki Master, I am skilled in channeling universal life force energy to promote healing and balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. I am also proficient in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which involves tapping on meridian points to release emotional blockages and foster emotional well-being. Additionally, as an Emotrance Master, I am adept at facilitating the smooth flow of emotions for overall wellness.

Furthermore, I have honed my expertise in Sound Healing, utilizing the profound impact of sound vibrations to restore harmony and healing within the body and mind. My training in Munay-ki has equipped me with ancient energetic rites for personal transformation and spiritual evolution.

Being a practitioner and instructor of Thetahealing® has allowed me to help clients identify and change limiting beliefs at the core level, fostering positive shifts and facilitating personal growth.

Access Consciousness® Bars® is another powerful tool in my toolkit, offering gentle touch techniques to clear mental and emotional blockages, leading to greater clarity and possibility.

I am also skilled as an Angel Card Reader, tapping into angelic guidance to provide insights and support for my clients’ journeys.

In addition to my healing and coaching skills, I hold Credentials of Ministry, highlighting my commitment to offering spiritual guidance and support.

Through my diverse skill set and unwavering dedication, I am passionate about empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives, fostering self-awareness, and facilitating profound positive changes in their lives. My holistic approach to healing and personal development continues to be a source of transformation for those I work with.

Click below to visit Pam’s bio on Thetahealing.com