Prayer for Guidance and Healing

A Spiritual Prayer for Guidance

Divine Spirit,

I come before you today to ask for your guidance and healing as I prepare for my upcoming ______________.

I ask that you guide me towards the best decisions and choices as I plan and prepare for this journey. Please grant me clarity of mind and the wisdom to make the right choices that will lead to a safe and enjoyable journey.

I also ask for your healing touch upon my mind, body, and spirit. Protect me from any harm or negative energies that may hinder my journey. Surround me with your love and light, and fill me with positive energy, strength, and confidence.

Please grant me the courage to face any challenges that may arise during my trip, and the patience and resilience to overcome any obstacles.

Thank you for your loving presence in my life, and for your constant guidance and support. I trust in your divine wisdom, and I know that with your help, my journey will be blessed and fulfilling. It is done. Amen.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2023. All Rights Reserved.