Akashic Soul Records, Law of Attraction, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing, Spiritual Coaching, Thetahealing

The Law of Time

Time is a concept that affects us all. It is both a limitation and a boon. We are all bound by the laws of time, and yet it also allows us to move forward and create a better future. This is why the Law of Time is so important.

The Law of Time is a set of principles that govern the way we interact with time. This law dictates that time should be used wisely and that it should not be wasted. It also states that time should be used to create value and to improve our lives. Furthermore, this law encourages us to use our time wisely and to make the most of every moment.

The Law of Time is also closely related to the concept of balance. We should strive to maintain a balance between our work and leisure activities, and to ensure that we don’t overwork ourselves. This law also suggests that we should strive for a balance between our obligations and our desires.

The Law of Time is a powerful tool that can help us make the most of our lives. By embracing this law, we can ensure that we make the best use of our time and that we don’t waste it. This can help us achieve our goals and live happier, more fulfilled lives.

The Law of Time is an important concept and one that we should all strive to abide by. By using our time wisely, we can make the most of every moment and ensure that our lives are as fulfilling as possible.

Schedule a Spiritual Coaching and Healing Session with Pam to discover more about your timeline and how she is able to work with the law of time, bend time and transform your timeline to help your create your most amazing life.

Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Law of Attraction, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing, Spiritual Coaching

Mastering The Law of Attraction

Manifesting and the law of attraction. If you have been working on manifesting and the law of attraction but you feel like you are not getting anywhere and in fact you feel like you keep going backwards instead of forward. I would like to share some insights on this that may help you mastering the laws of attraction. I have been reading and applying this stuff since the 70’s and 80’s and was very aware of the principles when “The Secret” came out in the 90’s or early 2000’s. I really could not understand at that time why everyone was so hyped about “the secret” until I finally realized not many people have studied or Mastered the Law of Attraction.

So you think it doesn’t work or something is wrong with you but that is not true. The problem with the simplicity of the LOA is that so much is left out of our understanding and teachings. In my years in the self-help community is that nothing is black or white but it is simpler than we may realize.

There are major steps that are left out that has to be healed, changed and deleted from your mind, body and soul.

In the Law of Attraction there are virtues that goes along with the laws and with those lessons on those virtues. Virtues like compassion, generosity, unconditional love and belief work either from genetics or on a core level of our upbringing.

There are studies that needs to done about money and energy of money. You need to have a clear understanding that money is only energy but it is also a physical reality we live in. Learn about the principles of money. Discover the game of life with money and how to change your energy around money, debit and resources. Unless you were born in a wealthy family you were never given specific tools to handle any type of wealth or money. If you cannot keep money on you and it escapes you then there is a clue that you need some work on money and money management.

There is the energy and vibration of manifesting and you really have to be aware of your self-talk, that inner voice that quietly runs in the background. That self-talk, that quiet voice is from our upbringing. It comes from the people we were around growing up. Pay close attention to it, change it and your manifesting will begin to shift.

Belief systems need to reviewed, acknowledge and changed. If you were ever told things like money doesn’t grow on trees or any other negative or limiting comment about money, then you probably have a belief system. Belief systems quietly run our lives and they are in the deep subconscious of our mind. There are many tools and techniques you can use to begin your transformation into your belief systems but trust me this one is a big one.

Be crystal clear about what you what from life! This is a HUGE missing piece in your manifesting. If you keep going over and over your manifesting list, your desires, your goals and dreams but every day brings in new thoughts, ideas or beliefs then this is a problem in your manifesting. These blockages are due to the fact you are not focused on the feelings, the idea and the end solution. Being crystal clear and focused will help you shift your manifesting.

Feelings and Emotions effect our manifesting. Fear is next on that list. Fear of what ifs on any level of our consciousness can be a huge distraction to moving into your abundant life. Fear of what others will think of me is a big one for many people. Fear of if I am too specific I will not get any other clients for my healing practice. Fear that you will not be supported and you may have to stand up for yourself and what you want.

There are so many fears that will stop you in your tracks or put a halt to your manifesting. You will have to learn to walk through your fears, step into the unknown and trust that all will work out and you will learn as you go.

Resentments, anger, low self-esteem, victim-hood, a sense of entitlement, worries, self-imposed barriers, limiting beliefs, life patterns and programs running in the background are just some of the feelings and emotions that could be blocking your abundance and manifesting.

There are many tools and techniques to change all of these so you can bring in more of the feelings you want and need to manifest. You have to feel it and determine what type of feelings you want to experience in your manifestation. Imagination and feelings are another huge aspect of this Law.

Feelings of gratitude will totally change everything. Learn more about it, practice it daily and watch your life begin to shift and change. Everyday talk and teach gratitude, this is absolutely HUGE so teach it to your family and your children and watch life change in miraculous ways and in ways you never thought could happen or change.

Finally, we need to release it. Holding onto it does not allow it to manifest. Are you holding onto specific material outcomes? Holding on to specific means that something better may be planned for you but because of your limiting ideas and beliefs you could be holding on to the wrong thing, so release it and let it manifesting for you. You may be surprised!

Release the desire to be in control, release the fear of losing control; you have to release it for it to manifest for you. It is like holding you manifesting in your fist with your hands closed tightly around it but if you just open your hands and release it you may be surprised that what you thought you wanted was not really what you wanted at all but something that did arrive was perfect for you right now, right here.

Release it, be surprised and learn to trust yourself, life, god, the universe and all that is will be working in harmony to manifest your desires, goals and dreams as you begin you Mastering The Law of Attraction.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Law of Attraction, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Thetahealing

What is Proper Discernment

Discernment is an important life skill that is often overlooked. It is the ability to judge between right and wrong, and to make wise decisions based on your own values and beliefs. Proper discernment is essential for navigating the many challenges life throws at us.

Discernment means different things to different people. For some, it is the ability to see beyond surface level appearances and make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding. For others, it is the ability to weigh options and make choices that are in alignment with their own values and beliefs.

Having proper discernment requires you to be aware of your own values and beliefs, as well as the beliefs and values of those around you. It also requires you to be honest with yourself about what is important to you and what you are willing to accept. Being honest with yourself can help you make decisions that are in line with your values and beliefs.

In order to have proper discernment, it is also important to be open to listening to the opinions of others and considering them. This will help you to gain a better understanding of other perspectives and to make decisions that are in the best interest of all involved.

Discernment is an essential life skill that can help you make wise decisions in all aspects of life. It requires self-reflection, honesty, and openness to the perspectives of others. With proper discernment, you can make decisions that are in alignment with your values and beliefs and that are best for everyone involved.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2023. All Rights Reserved./