Law of Attraction, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Thetahealing

What is Proper Discernment

Discernment is an important life skill that is often overlooked. It is the ability to judge between right and wrong, and to make wise decisions based on your own values and beliefs. Proper discernment is essential for navigating the many challenges life throws at us.

Discernment means different things to different people. For some, it is the ability to see beyond surface level appearances and make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding. For others, it is the ability to weigh options and make choices that are in alignment with their own values and beliefs.

Having proper discernment requires you to be aware of your own values and beliefs, as well as the beliefs and values of those around you. It also requires you to be honest with yourself about what is important to you and what you are willing to accept. Being honest with yourself can help you make decisions that are in line with your values and beliefs.

In order to have proper discernment, it is also important to be open to listening to the opinions of others and considering them. This will help you to gain a better understanding of other perspectives and to make decisions that are in the best interest of all involved.

Discernment is an essential life skill that can help you make wise decisions in all aspects of life. It requires self-reflection, honesty, and openness to the perspectives of others. With proper discernment, you can make decisions that are in alignment with your values and beliefs and that are best for everyone involved.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2023. All Rights Reserved./