Akashic Soul Records, Dreams, Predictions & Future Re, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Journeys and Messages, Meditation, Prayer & Ascension, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing

Today as I woke

Today I woke up remembering how our souls knew each other. How when we first met, that we knew each other on a level like no other. We are so different, no one would have ever guessed we would be a match.

Today I woke remembering your soul. How could I ever forget such a soul but as soon as our eyes met, I remembered. It was like we knew each other all of our lives. Even in the beginning we could finish each others sentences, just like separated twins.

Today as I woke I remembered our souls journey throughout time. We traveled to the same places with the same people for years but our paths never crossed. Then that one Summer day when I looked up and saw you looking at me and when our eyes connected our souls connected.

Today I woke up remembering my soul.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2020, All Right Reserved.

Blog Articles, Empath, Indigo & Crystal Children, Highly Sensitive, Energy Healing, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Health, Wellnes and Nutrition, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing, Thetahealing, Uncategorized

Are you frozen or stuck in fear?

Many people are frozen in a “paralysis by analysis” mode and don’t end up making a choice in their life. They delay making a decision that must be made which creates anxiety, worry, and doubt.

Some people have fears of spiders, rats, or other small animals. Have you seen someone run when they see a spider or jump on some furniture if they see a mouse or a snake?

Then there are those that fear their own power, their own thoughts, their own strengths because if we step into this then others will have to either accept it or move on and that creates fear of abandonment and loss.

And I want you to know that one thing is for sure- what you fear you will attract; it is a huge magnet.

It is time to release Fear!

Fear will not help you move forward powerfully in your life serves no higher purpose to our goals. Fear is an illusion that we have created internally. When we release fear, we release limitations and limiting beliefs.

Fear stops your growth! By releasing fear, we then open our lives and our hearts up to divine interventions. Fear is our greatest challenge and our greatest enemy. By releasing this Fear, we can then step into our purpose and our mission here on earth.

Once we step beyond our conditioning, we will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.

What we must realize is that fear is powerless and as we release then we step into Love. Love is the true power. With Love, we can do anything and become anyone.

If you are ready to release your fears, but you don’t know-how let’s hop on a call and chat. I will help you identify your fears and how they’re keeping you stuck. Then, we’ll come up with a game plan to bust through those fears and step into your full power.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2019, All Right Reserved.

Journeys and Messages, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, The Galactic Records

The Galactic Records

I noticed in 2018 I was off my game a bit, then I saw one of my previous reiki students offering a sound healing group meetup in August so I decided to go. We have worked together before and I usually have wonderful downloads and clarity when we work together either privately or in groups. I went to this sound healing event with a very specific intent, I always use intent when I attend spiritual events such as this. My intent was to ask to meet my new spirit guide. I had felt Metatron and Thoth had left but I was told that day I didn’t need a new spiritual guide at this time and that I was my own guide for now. I giggled at the thought but said okay and went on about my days.

Intent is Everything!

It was in December that I first heard that it was time for me to move into the Galactic Records. That I have done the work in the Akashic Records and in the group consciousness on this level that needed to be done. I have served humanity on this planet and now it was time for me to move into the Galactic Records.

Well of course my first plan of action was to google it and I really couldn’t and haven’t find anything since on the internet that comes close to want I just heard and seen in my minds eye. So I dropped it and moved on.

Now that we are 24 days into January, I have meet this new Galactic Being that has been referred to me as my future self. She is tall, elegant and knowledgeable, she moves or rather seems to float in and out of spaces. She is alien like as she seems to have no hair anywhere on her body. She wears a long robe and she is bright in color (not blue as the image I have posted). This is the best way I can describe her at the moment.

Changes are coming!

I see her coming into my space, I have seen her integrate into me as she brings me her strength, wisdom and knowledge. She seems to be with me always. I can just think of her and I know I am her and she is me, we are one.

I can’t even image what my life will look like in 2019 but I know it is going to be interesting as my spiritual journey now continues into the Galactic Records. I look forward to writing and sharing this journey with all of you as we discover these records together. Many Blessings to you all.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2019. All Rights Reserved.