Akashic Soul Records, Dreams, Predictions & Future Re, Healing the Mind, Body & Soul, Journeys and Messages, Meditation, Prayer & Ascension, Soul Healing, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Spiritual & Reiki Healing

Today as I woke

Today I woke up remembering how our souls knew each other. How when we first met, that we knew each other on a level like no other. We are so different, no one would have ever guessed we would be a match.

Today I woke remembering your soul. How could I ever forget such a soul but as soon as our eyes met, I remembered. It was like we knew each other all of our lives. Even in the beginning we could finish each others sentences, just like separated twins.

Today as I woke I remembered our souls journey throughout time. We traveled to the same places with the same people for years but our paths never crossed. Then that one Summer day when I looked up and saw you looking at me and when our eyes connected our souls connected.

Today I woke up remembering my soul.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2020, All Right Reserved.

Energy Healer, Meditation, Prayer & Ascension, Psychic, Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching, Thetahealing

Visualization is a natural ability!

Did you know that all manifesting, energy healing modalities and spiritual practices rely on visualization? Did you know that most people have problem visualizing and many believe they cannot visualize at all?

Believe it or not, visualization is a natural ability that everyone can do perfectly, immediately with the right training.

When I started down this path of spiritual healing, I could not visualize anything. Then I learned how to visualize correctly. I learned that visualization is pure imagination, pure fantasy and that every person, every child can visualize perfectly. Think of it this way; a visualization or a led meditation is the same as a fantasy, where memory is used to build a fictional scenario in the mind’s eye. It may be full of sights, sounds, smells, taste, texture, feelings and emotions but nothing is seen literally, visually.

In thetahealing, we use the technique of visualization to connect directly to the creator of all that is. We imagine and visualize creating and co-creating healings, readings, and teachings with the creator of all that is. We learn and practice to grow this muscle of visualization as we remove fear and limiting beliefs that may block us from our most divine life.

I love teaching my students the power of visualization and imagination while using the thetahealing meditation technique. It has been life-changing for me and for the students of thetahealing.

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Spiritual & Intuitive Coaching

I am conscious living in an unconscious world!

It all started in 2010 and since that time I have done massive amounts of clearing work on myself and my soul.

I have released layers and layers of karmic healing from this life time and many others.

I healed my soul on levels many will never understand or obtain.

I have forgiven myself and others on levels I was not even aware of that needed to be forgiven.

I have searched within and found hidden emotions so deep that they too were healed and released.

I continue to go deeper within.

There are times I had to shut down to integrate all the layers of healing and upgrades that I have received.

The emotional healing that I have done was not for me alone as in the Law of One we are all connected.

This has been my souls purpose which I have honored and welcomed.

The level of energy emotional and spiritual healing that I have done goes beyond words or any written books available.

It has been a daily cleansing and clearing that I do as I continue to look into the darkness and bring it into the light.

I am conscious living in an unconscious world!

I am timeless as we were created in the beginning to be and we will continue to grow and expand throughout time.

I have learned to see and believe, to trust and to honor all aspects of myself.

I will continue!

Copywriter Pamela Jackson 2019. All Rights Reserved.